
I am currently doing a search for individuals with strong Process Safety Analysis (PHA) or Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) experience in either the petrochemical, refining, paper or power industries. There are a series of opening available, in locations around the country. Travel may be considerable, but it may be possible to office from home […]

IT compliance today requires a paradigm shift from a project-specific engagement to a comprehensive, centralized compliance program.   In the past, Computer System Validation (CSV) in the life sciences was focused on software validation and infrastructure and computing platform qualification for systems that supported FDA-regulated activities and records. Today, organizations are increasingly focusing on overall, […]

TDC 3000. I am looking for someone with experience with both hardware and software aspects of the system, and can do application work on APM, HPM and perhaps some CL. This is a midwest client who has an immediate need for a qualified individual for at least six months. Experion. Houston need for someone with […]

from Control And Modeling   In many applications, the process equipment is characterized as having multiple manipulated inputs. This type of equipment configuration is often referred to as a multiple input/multiple output process. The process control consists of multiple PID blocks where a process output and process input pair are associated with each PID. The […]

Revealed: Operation Shady RAT

by Bill Fester on August 4, 2011

in Industries, Systems

For the last few years, especially since the public revelation of Operation Aurora, the targeted successful intrusion into Google and two dozen other companies, I have often been asked by our worldwide customers if they should worry about such sophisticated penetrations themselves or if that is a concern only for government agencies, defense contractors, and […]

Distributed control system with benefits

by Bill Fester on July 29, 2011

in DCS, Paper, Systems

Distributed control system with benefits In this installment of What Works, a DCS upgrade enhances data acquisition and improves machine performance.   When is a new equipment installation more than just implementing new devices? When it delivers benefits beyond and outside the areas you originally planned. When is a technical partnership more than just working […]

A systematic approach to plantwide control

by Bill Fester on June 28, 2011

in DCS, Industries, Systems

Sigurd Skogestad A chemical plant may have thousands of measurements and control loops. By the term plantwide control it is not meant the tuning and behavior of each of these loops, but rather the control philosophy of the overall plant with emphasis on the structural decisions. In practice, the control system is usually divided into […]

To achieve best overall plant operation, it is often necessary to coordinate the operation of equipment in multiple process areas. In Chapter 16 of Control Loop Foundation – Batch and Continuous Processes, some examples are given where multi-loop techniques may be effectively used for such coordination. One of the examples from this chapter is power […]

Ensuring Data Integrity

by Bill Fester on June 10, 2011

in DCS, Pharmaceutical, Systems

21 CFR Part 11 might really be called the Data Integrity Act. Here is a high-level look at what is needed to ensure compliance. By John Avellanet, Cerulean Associates, LLC   Data integrity is critical to regulatory compliance, and the fundamental reason for 21 CFR Part 11. This article outlines and summarizes strategies and requirements. […]

By Terry Blevin Single-loop and multi-loop control may be used to address a wide variety of control requirements. However, if a process is characterized by extremely long process delays or by a high degree of process interaction, then other control techniques may be required. In Chapter 16 of Control Loop Foundation – Batch and Continuous […]