
What if?

by Bill Fester on May 13, 2011

in featured, Industries, Jobs, People, Systems, Uncategorized

In the improving economy we’re seeing at this point in late Spring,  I can’t help but wonder if there are a lot of engineers out there who have stayed in their positions, waiting it out, waiting out their disappointments until times got better. These folks felt hanging on to their jobs was the prudent course […]

Featured Resume

by Bill Fester on May 5, 2011

in featured, People, Uncategorized

  CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING and DESIGN 33 years of engineering design and implementation in the petro-chemical, chemical, pulp & paper, plastics, offshore, refining, rubber, robotics and pharmaceutical industries. Assigned responsibility levels have been: Instrument/Project Engineer, Construction Supervisor and Project Manager with proven performance at all assigned levels. Abilities demonstrated are: multi-tasking, managing uncompleted projects to […]

The Security of “Contract” Part 1

by Bill Fester on April 21, 2011

in featured, Jobs, People

The rules for employment have changed.  No one of my father’s generation thought that the concept of a full time staff position until retirement was anything more than the goal of every working man and woman. But the laudable notion of four, or five decade service to one organization, of  joining a firm out of […]

Summary –  Senior Project Manager with over thirty years engineering experience with DCS’s (Fisher DeltaV, Honeywell, Moore APACs, Siemens T3000) and PLC’s (Allen Bradley) in multiple industries (utilities, paper, chemical). Experience includes the specification, design, installation, start-up of field instrumentation and control systems (DCS, PLC), the design, implementation and tuning of control loops and Mimic […]

Unlike an engineering firm, integration company, or process control vendor, we do not “do projects”. While we may be involved in projects both large and small, Insight’s business model is to provide an individual, not a turnkey solution. We find that our clients know the most efficient methods of getting projects done, both in terms […]

Power Process Control Consultant

by Bill Fester on March 3, 2011

in People

Twenty plus years experience as a Project Manager / Project Engineer / Field Engineer in both power generation and water/wastewater process control industries. Has a keen ability to coordinate various project groups while fostering good customer relations. Background is extensive in instrumentation and control systems engineering and distributed control system (DCS) applications particularly Emerson OVATION […]

Advanced Control Systems Specialist

by Bill Fester on March 3, 2011

in People

Lead Advanced Control Projects for refining projects worldwide. Evaluate new control technology and make recommendations. Consulting with various refineries on complex control problems. Team lead/Principal advanced Control and Optimization (AC&ampcO) engineer Technical lead for the process control group (6 control engineers) in a 283 MBPD refinery. Ensure existing AC&O applications are continuously adding values to […]

Project Specialist

by Bill Fester on March 3, 2011

in People, Uncategorized

33 years of engineering design and implementation in the petro-chemical, chemical, pulp & paper, plastics, offshore, refining, rubber, robotics and pharmaceutical industries. Assigned responsibility levels have been: Instrument/Project Engineer, Construction Supervisor and Project Manager with proven performance at all assigned levels. Abilities demonstrated are: multi-tasking, managing uncompleted projects to conclusion, equipment specification, development of logic […]